The Best CV Joint Repair and Maintenance Workshop in Nelspruit
Choose the right CV joint repairs mechanics in Mbombela, Mpumalanga, to take care of your vehicle so it can take care of you.
A bad CV joint causes a lot of damage if not attended to immediately. The vehicle may be immobile, and difficult to control, which may cause the driver to lose control of the car in its entirety. On that note, vehicle owners need to be properly aware and alert so that they will be able to easily determine between the various signs that either indicate a damaged CV joint that needs to be repaired or a CV joint that needs to be replaced. Moreover, It is always best to be able to identify these challenges sooner rather than later to avoid further damage being done to the car.
See CV Joints Services and Solutions We Offer You
Our skills and advanced expertise enable us to carry out repairs and replacements to everything ranging from CV joints, driveshafts, and propshafts, all the way to CV boots and suspension bushes. Furthermore, we thoroughly inspect, replace or repair all kinds of CV joints to ensure that our clients are safe on the road. Further to that, we can be contacted for:
- Complete driveshaft replacement
- Custom-built driveshafts
- CV Joint inspection, replacement, or repair
- CV boot inspection or replacement
- Supply of CV Boots
- Oil seal replacement, inspection, and repair
In front-wheel-drive cars, the driveshaft connects the wheels and the gearbox. In rear-wheel-drive cars, the driveshaft connects the differential (diff) and the wheels. A drive shaft consists of a shaft with an inner CV joint on one side and an outer joint on the other side.
Inner Joints
An inner CV joint is mounted on the gearbox or differential of the car. Inner CV joints, when damaged, generally cause vibration or “clunking” on the car when accelerating or decelerating. Thus, we stock a wide range of inner CV Joints to help you as soon as possible.
Outer Joints
An outer CV joint is mounted at the wheel of the car, whether its front or rear-wheel drive is irrelevant. Hence, they tend to make a “clicking” noise when turning. We stock a wide range of outer CV Joints to meet your needs and requirements.
There is a stainless steel strapping which ties the boot to all the CV Joints. There are 2 types of boots namely Rubber boots (most common) and Thermal plastic boots. Thus, you have to replace ruptured boots as soon as possible to avoid more damage.